Live & Learn is canceled in March. We will have more information soon about when our events will resume.
Cultivating Optimism, with Hope Levy
Friday, March 13, 1pm-2:30 at the North Beach Library, 850 Columbus,
& Wednesday, March 25th, 1:15pm-2:45 at the Marina Library, 1890 Chestnut Street
Would you like to improve your level of happiness, life satisfaction and wellbeing as you age? If so, this fun, interactive program is for you! You will learn how to practice evidence-based strategies used in Positive Psychologyto face life’s challenges and adversities as we age, with greater optimism and resilience.
Positive Psychology is a scientifically based branch of psychology, pioneered by Martin EP Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania. Positive Psychology is the science that explores how happiness and wellbeing can be improved and sustained by building on our strengths, rather than fixing our weaknesses. In other words, it differs from traditional psychology by focusing on what is right with you as a way to build on intrinsic strengths and abilities.