october, 2019
Event Details
We are carrying on with Hope’s Technology Teach-in’s. Featuring new volunteer, Harrison Ravazzolo Friday, October 25, 1-2:30pm Technology Support - phones, i-Pads, tablets, email, etc. North Beach Library, 850 Columbus Avenue, Downstairs
Event Details
We are carrying on with Hope’s Technology Teach-in’s. Featuring new volunteer, Harrison Ravazzolo
Friday, October 25, 1-2:30pm
Technology Support – phones, i-Pads, tablets, email, etc.
North Beach Library, 850 Columbus Avenue, Downstairs Teen Room. Bring your devices and passwords.
Members only. RSVP required.https://nextsf.helpfulvillage.com/events/1106-technology-teach-in
or 415-888-2868.
(Friday) 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
North Beach Library
850 Columbus Avenue